Szachowa Vistula 1997-2024

"Szachowa Vistula Chess Monthly" appears on the network since December 1997. Publications include both current chess events, as well as historical, remote in time. The results of the competition chess, stock lot, articles on various subjects, all reader will find in the next editions of the monthly.

Zbiory partii w formacie .pgn (zip) z lat 1879-2024 - ponad 280 000 partii, ponad 2130 turniejów.
Ranking FIDE z okresu 2004-2024
Z historii szachów
Teoria szachowa, grające programy szachowe
Felietony z okresu 1998-2021
Linki, ciekawe strony o tematyce szachowej
Serwisy Szachowej Vistuli


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